Not a special or long story was jus thinking about the first time I jerked off in front of a roommate,. Didn't know her very well at the time but I had gotten a shareable amount of that crystal type rock stuff at had given her some,. Apparently it wasn't enough to last her very long. I had go into my room to do what I do,. Get naked thore in sso porn and play for awhile .
But it seemed as soon as I got comfortable and into the groove of the evening I hear a light knocking on my door I don't answer that another knock I decided to answer the door as soon a I get up to find clothes the door creeks open she slides in a shuts it all without noticing I'm standing there completely naked,. She says "hey.." looks up and stops in shock I assume then continues by now I've said fuck finding clothes and sat back on my bed.
She asks if I wouldn't mind smoking so if shit with her and I said sure if you wanna hang out in here she shyly sat on my bed said okay...
So I leaned over hit play on my laptop loaded a good bowl passed it to her and before I was even aware I had gone back to enjoying myself her eyes got big for a min as she took a big ass hit I went to grab the glass from her and she pulled back blow out a crazy cloud and said no let me feed you a hit so you can keep jerking off I kinda like seeing you do it.
Anyhow that was the first of a bunch of times me and a roommate masterbated together.
