Again here I am traveling this path of solo self pleasure this ever so well warn and often traveled path (not by choice mind you) I'm jus not what the everyday normality of the female masses where taught to want, taught to coven, not muscle bound and actually have a thought or two rolling around upstairs and to top that giant of a herdel off my sexual wants and desires the things that turn me on and get me off are let's say not widely viewed as normal practice.
Letely I've been left with deep unhealthy relentless craving a craving for the smell, taste and feeling of the perfect body this angelic beauty is inspired by a few people in my past,. This almost paralinguistic dream of perfection starts with the beauty and inspiration only a mother can behold this god defined female would be short-ish around the low side of 5 foot with natural fire ed hair extremally pale with milky skin and small amount of frekels.
Next which is my upmost favorite part of this dearm world beauty she on her rail thin frame would have perfect inbounding yet small tits these perfect small tits would be the lower side of a B-cupband perky in a perfect teardrop shape with no need to wear a bra despite being 100% noticeable Thier perfect size and perkyness keep from sagging as well as an exact handful and mouth fullthat insertion of imagery spring from my sistersmazing titsi used to love making her go braless so I could jus reach into her shirt and play with her tits when we where out in public and lastly she would pisses and god sent tight, small perfectly hairless peach shaped pussy his amazing image also brought to you by my sister and also my aunt more so my aunt though I never fucked my sister but my aunt's pussy was so perfect and tight seemed to hold her wetness in like a billion right up until I pushed into her then a release of amazing we orth and exiting wetness that woman's (call her a woman even though she was like 19 was a woman to me) anyways that amazing tight clean perfect pussy with give you some playful temtion when you first attempt to push into her then all of a sudden it was like it grabbed you and pulled you into it's wonderment of earth and wetness and like it was hugging your cock everytime you pulled out just enough to push right back into her and when she would cum it was like fucking a dog her and her pussy would grab hold ever so tightly until something like an explosive of cum and fluids would erupt makeing her entire body jerk. That's what I crave these days.
