Being able to freely masturbate when and where you want when you are aroused (turned on) may it be when you're sister let's you watch her shower or changing clothes or watching your mother having sex with your father or someone else, could be your jus horny and watching porn in the living room.
My father would even pay me and my sister to fool around while he jerked off or have one of us jerk him off but only if we wanted to we where never forced to do anything ever. Hell I've never actually fucked my sister everything else but I guess we had some unspoken agreement not to fuck for some reason, I have had sex with my aunt a few cousins a niece or few mostly some other extended family and as far as I know dad never did anything but watch sometimes he would have friends over also jus watching us at least they did stuff with each other.
But like I was saying before I got off track there's an amazing freedom to being involved in a taboo situation such as that but unless you don't leave your hometown or have wide spread family that are also into it then that doesn't last forever,. For me after leaving that town the only few times I've been able to take part in the ever so fleeting type of freedom I was being paid to take part mostly to be a 3rd outside party to make what was happening not so "bad/awkward/strange" whatever between the two family members and yes there was the standard father daughter situation but step-daughter mostly for that more so believe it or not was mother & son... Anyway my point in this whole long rambling of memories and wishful thinking my point is it's been far to Long sense I've even experienced human contact the warmth of another body to soft touch of excited skin... Masterbation is great but it really doesn't make up for the real thing at this point anything...
